My Issele-Uku Travels and the Kingdom’s Ine Celebration: The Experience By Emeka Esogbue On that night, I rejoined Issele-Uku, we gathered around the Obi with the display of prowess in ‘ita inu’, ‘tales by the moon’ and the night seemed morning yet with Issele-Uku becoming antediluvian with resultant beauty; returning to the period before the foreign imperial incursion when the King of Issele-Uku was especially amused. Everyone that had to tell the tale, heralded his story with the usual ‘Enye mu unu nju’ as is the general practice of the Enuani people. In the middle of the ‘Ita inu', when a few unexpected distractions inhibited our hilarity, the Obi, possessing god-like quality, displayed superiority to mundane and humdrum matters with his constant call for the restoration of order from the distractors that instantaneously and ultimately submitted to him. The ‘Ita Inu’ was all about the adventures of ‘mbekwu’, the tortoise, a reminder of ‘mbekwu oka na inu,’ another saying ...
The Pen Master Blog, owned by Dr. Emeka Esogbue, is authoritative and leading in offering news, history, and articles on the Anioma people of Nigeria through historical research, physical visits, personal interviews, and other academic approaches. The Blog is globally relied on by people seeking information about the people of this area. The Blog is the most visited Blog of the Anioma people.