32 Proverbs and Sayings of the Enuani People that Concerns Death and their Literal Meaning as Compiled By Emeka Esogbue
32 Proverbs and Sayings of the Enuani People that Concerns Death and their Literal Meaning as Compiled By Emeka Esogbue 1. Mbonsi onye kwa nmadu, ka okwa onwea - A person who is mourning the dead is mourning himself 2. Onye lote onwu omea nwayo - One gets calm when he remembers death 3. Onwu ka dike - Death is mightier than the warrior 4. Onwu bata obodo ajulu oyi - The news of death often leaves a city cold 5. Onwu nyi dike obubu - Death is greater than the warrior 6. Onwu ka njor - Death is the worst situation 7. Onwu ajor ka - Death is too bad 8. Onwu sor ojinea - Death gladdens the heart of the enemy 9. Onye mali mbonsi onwua - Who knows the day of his death? 10. Ani elike ife di nma - The ground swallows the best 11. Onye obuna ga anaa na - Everybody will die 12. Onye ji ndua aka - Who is responsible for his life? 13. Ogbu nmadu ga anwu anwu - He who kills will die someday 14. Wadie ji kwa oge eni ozu - Burial is not done on daily basis 15. Ofu onye adi enyi ozu ekpo aja - On...